Our Vision

Updated: Feb 16, 2022

At NRGLAB, we are inspired by life-changing experiences - those events and festivals that take you away from the mundane real world and transport you to somewhere else. Even though it’s just for a night or a weekend - or whatever the case may be - we know that those experiences are truly special, and so we’ve made it our mission to create incredible experiences that you’ll remember forever.

With each new event, we go back to the drawing board and figure out how to make it even better than the last. We don’t want to be just another club night; we really want to set ourselves apart. Two computing students founded NRGLAB, and we love exploring new and innovative technology. We want to invest in our passion to deliver the experiences you never thought possible and really immerse you in our world.

It’s not just about the events, though. It’s about the music, and it’s about the community.

And that is why we will soon be launching our record label. You’ll see us working with artists of all sizes - from the humblest of bedroom producers and DJs to the mightiest titans of the industry. They all have one thing in common though - quality.